302 3rd St., Hazen, ND 58545



Sunday Worship – 9 am | Bible Class and Sunday School – 10:15-11:30 am

Monday Bible Study – 10 am | Tuesday Book Study – 9 am

If you are in need of assistance with anything or know of someone please call the church office or the study.

Pastoral care is only one phone call away.

St. Matthew Lutheran Church
302 3rd Street NW, PO Box 523, Hazen, ND 58545
Phone: 701-748-2680 | Pastor’s Study: 701-748-5561 | email: stmatthazennd@westriv.com
www.stmatthewhazen.org | www.facebook.com/StMatthewHazen

Listen on the Radio 9am Sunday mornings on Fox Sports Radio 1410

Thankful and blessed!!! Thankful we didn’t run out of food and we were able to serve 179 meals. Blessed to see so many new faces and returning guests!! Thank you to everyone who donated the necessary food items, the many hands that prepared, served, and cleaned up! Thank you!!!!

The last bustle before service!!! Hope to see you at noon!!!

Welcome to St.Matthew LCMS Thanksgiving Day Service. Hymns: 892, 894, 806, 803.

Yum!!!! It’s turkey time!!!!!

Welcome to St.Matthew LCMs Last Sunday of the Church Year. Hymns: 663, 508, 621, 631, 623, 620, 892. We hope to see you in person soon.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner! Come, celebrate with us. Worship with us at 9 am and then join us for a FEAST!

Welcome to St.Matthew LCMS. 26th Sunday after Pentecost. Hymns: 645, 508, 611, 614, 618, 632, 854 We hope to see you in person soon.

25th Sunday after Pentecost. Hymn: 894, 787, 641, 616, 602, 922. Welcome to St.Matthew LCMS We hope to see you in person soon.

All Saints Day Hymns: 656, 683, 637, 617, 636, 655 Welcome to St.Matthew LCMS, we hope to see you in person soon.

Good morning! Thank you for joining us. We hope to see you in person soon. Hymns: 907, 748,781, 632, 631, 633,730